

Plot base maps and frames for the figure.

Creates a basic or fancy basemap with axes, fill, and titles. Several map projections are available, and the user may specify separate tick-mark intervals for boundary annotation, ticking, and [optionally] gridlines. A simple map scale or directional rose may also be plotted.

At least one of the options frame, map_scale, rose or compass must be specified.

Full option list at


  • B = frame

  • J = projection

  • JZ = zsize

  • Jz = zscale

  • L = map_scale

  • R = region

  • Td = rose

  • Tm = compass

  • U = timestamp

  • V = verbose

  • X = xshift

  • Y = yshift

  • p = perspective

  • t = transparency

  • projection (str) – projection[projection-specific arguments]figure size. Select map projection. This is a required argument if this is the first plot command.

  • zscale/zsize (float or str) – Set z-axis scaling or z-axis size.

  • region (str or list) – xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[+r][+uunit]. Specify the region of interest. This is a required argument if this is the first plot command.

  • frame (str or list) – Set map boundary frame and axes attributes.

  • map_scale (str) – '[g|j|J|n|x]refpoint' Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified.

  • rose (str) – Draws a map directional rose on the map at the location defined by the reference and anchor points.

  • compass (str) – Draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by the reference and anchor points

  • timestamp (bool or str) – Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.

  • verbose (str) –

    Select verbosity level [Default is w], which modulates the messages written to stderr. Choose among 7 levels of verbosity:

    • q - Quiet, not even fatal error messages are produced

    • e - Error messages only

    • w - Warnings [Default]

    • t - Timings (report runtimes for time-intensive algorthms);

    • i - Informational messages (same as “verbose=True”)

    • c - Compatibility warnings

    • d - Debugging messages

  • xshift (str) – [a|c|f|r][xshift]. Shift plot origin in x-direction.

  • yshift (str) – [a|c|f|r][yshift]. Shift plot origin in y-direction. Full documentation is at

  • perspective (list or str) – '[x|y|z]azim[/elev[/zlevel]][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0]'. Select perspective view and set the azimuth and elevation angle of the viewpoint. Default is [180, 90]. Full documentation is at

  • transparency (float) – Set transparency level, in [0-100] percent range. Default is 0, i.e., opaque. Only visible when PDF or raster format output is selected. Only the PNG format selection adds a transparency layer in the image (for further processing).